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NOTE:The product does not contain oil bottles!!!In order to ensure smooth and fast logistics and transportation, we will not send oil bottles.It is normal that the oil bottles in the package are vacant, not lack of accessories!!!!
Gair engraving shaver pen made of high-quality stainless steel, safe and environmentally friendly, with a unique design, it can be used to create cool textures on hair, beards and eyebrows, rust-proof, durable, non-slip handle, safe and convenient, multifunctional pen shaver, designed to carve different patterns, Create unique hairstyles.It can also be used for hairdressing, eyebrows and beard trimming.
Type:Hair Rollers,Features:New Design,Voltage (V):<5,Compatibility:Men and Women,Instructions:English,Special selected products:COD,
Professional Magic Engrave Beard Hair Scissors Eyebrow Carve Pen Tattoo Barber Hairdressing Scissors Eyebrow Oil Head Carving
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