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Γραμμή Α Φόρεμα Μητέρας της Νύφης Εσάρπα περιλαμβάνεται Καρδιά Στράπλες Μακρύ Τούλι 3/4 Μήκος Μανικιού με Πιασίματα Χάντρες Που καλύπτει 2020
Γραμμή Α Φόρεμα Μητέρας της Νύφης Εσάρπα περιλαμβάνεται Καρδιά Στράπλες Μακρύ Τούλι 3/4 Μήκος Μανικιού με Πιασίματα Χάντρες Που καλύπτει 2020
USD $ 119.99
12 Ανταμοιβές (4.7 )
All reviews are from verified purchasers
Anjuschka habe ich mir in champagner in der US 10 bestellt. Normalerweise trage ich eine EU 38/40. Da ich aber eine breite Hüfte habe benötige ich die US 10 und lass es mir im Brustbereich und von der Länge her sowie zusätzliche Träger von meiner Mum ändern. Es ist mein zweites Kleid, dass ich bestellt habe. Das dritte ist auch schon unterwegs. Bei Anjuschka finde ich das Bolero zwar sehr hübsch, es ist allerdings aufgrund des Tülls sehr unpraktisch, da sich die Ärmel an den Pailletten/Applikationen vom Kleid hängen bleiben. Deshalb habe ich mir noch ein passendes Bolero in champagner nachbestellt. Die Qualität ist herausragend, der Preis insgesamt mit Zoll unschlagbar günstig. Dazu sehen die Kleider einfach super aus. Danke LITB! Anjuschka habe ich mir in champagner in der US 10 bestellt. Normalerweise trage ich eine EU 38/40. Da ich aber eine breite Hüfte habe benötige ich die US 10 und lass es mir im Brustbereich und von der Länge her sowie zusätzliche Träger von meiner Mum ändern. Es ist mein zweites Kleid, dass ich bestellt habe. Das dritte ist auch schon unterwegs. Bei Anjuschka finde ich das Bolero zwar sehr hübsch, es ist allerdings aufgrund des Tülls sehr unpraktisch, da sich die Ärmel an den Pailletten/Applikationen vom Kleid hängen bleiben. Deshalb habe ich mir noch ein passendes Bolero in champagner nachbestellt. Die Qualität ist herausragend, der Preis insgesamt mit Zoll unschlagbar günstig. Dazu sehen die Kleider einfach super aus. Danke LITB!
1 / 3 / 2016
Rochia este minunata! Exact ca in poza. Va multumesc mult! Rochia este minunata! Exact ca in poza. Va multumesc mult!
22 / 12 / 2014
ZIt heel mooi en is prachtig afgewerkt! ZIt heel mooi en is prachtig afgewerkt!
9 / 9 / 2014
Love this beautiful dress!! Perfect! Love this beautiful dress!! Perfect!
3 / 7 / 2014
Je suis satisfaite par la conception global de la robe que javais commandé à mes mensurations, je précise que ne souhaitant pas quelle soit aussi longue que le modèle original javais retiré 10cm à ma hauteur. A lintérieur de la robe, au niveau de la poitrine il y a un système d’agrafe pour soutien gorge qui permet de régler et maintenir parfaitement. Il ny a rien a retouché en tombe parfaitement bien. Je suis ravie !!! Je suis satisfaite par la conception global de la robe que javais commandé à mes mensurations, je précise que ne souhaitant pas quelle soit aussi longue que le modèle original javais retiré 10cm à ma hauteur. A lintérieur de la robe, au niveau de la poitrine il y a un système d’agrafe pour soutien gorge qui permet de régler et maintenir parfaitement. Il ny a rien a retouché en tombe parfaitement bien. Je suis ravie !!!
15 / 6 / 2014
bonjour, jai bien reçue mon colis, la robe anjuscha est une robe magnifique je suis ravie de lavoir commandé, les conditions demballage était bien respecter je vous en recemercie bonjour, jai bien reçue mon colis, la robe anjuscha est une robe magnifique je suis ravie de lavoir commandé, les conditions demballage était bien respecter je vous en recemercie
1 / 5 / 2014
Pretty dress! Its beautifly made. It is a little heavier than I thought it would be( aug wedding in Fl!i wish I had gone with size 6 instead of 8 but I went strictly by the size chart. I will have to alter it , which I can do myself. Just a lot of work !! There are some stones missing out of there settings which is disappointing & the jacket catches on that type of stone application. I will probably change stones to sew on more work. Im not completely satisfied but I will have to make it workall of the girls in the wedding party ordered & received there dresses. Everyone of them needs the shoulder taken up even the ones that paid for custom sizing( one shoulder dresses) I recommended the web sight & I will have to alter alof the dresses Pretty dress! Its beautifly made. It is a little heavier than I thought it would be( aug wedding in Fl!i wish I had gone with size 6 instead of 8 but I went strictly by the size chart. I will have to alter it , which I can do myself. Just a lot of work !! There are some stones missing out of there settings which is disappointing & the jacket catches on that type of stone application. I will probably change stones to sew on more work. Im not completely satisfied but I will have to make it workall of the girls in the wedding party ordered & received there dresses. Everyone of them needs the shoulder taken up even the ones that paid for custom sizing( one shoulder dresses) I recommended the web sight & I will have to alter alof the dresses
9 / 4 / 2014
Thank you so much received the dress, this morning. I am delighted with the outfit. The colour is wonderful and the fit excellent. I was reall impressed with how quickly this garment was made and dispatched. Looking forward to wearing it at my daughters wedding. Thank you so much. Would recomend to anyone, and will cerainly buy from you again.
(I had been worried about the sleeves of the little jacket fitting, as I have big arms, but the jacket has plenty of room)
Thank you so much received the dress, this morning. I am delighted with the outfit. The colour is wonderful and the fit excellent. I was reall impressed with how quickly this garment was made and dispatched. Looking forward to wearing it at my daughters wedding. Thank you so much. Would recomend to anyone, and will cerainly buy from you again.
(I had been worried about the sleeves of the little jacket fitting, as I have big arms, but the jacket has plenty of room)
10 / 10 / 2013

El pedido ha llegado en el plazo correspondiente y en muy buen estado.
Solamente las medidas no corresponden a las solicitadas :

Solicitadas: Busto 85 cm.
Cintura :75 cm.
y Caderas:95 cm.

Enviadas: Busto 85 cm.
Cintura 78 cm.
Caderas 102 cm.

Por favor contactarse conmigo para orientarme al respecto.

Les agradece de antemano : Mercedes.

El pedido ha llegado en el plazo correspondiente y en muy buen estado.
Solamente las medidas no corresponden a las solicitadas :

Solicitadas: Busto 85 cm.
Cintura :75 cm.
y Caderas:95 cm.

Enviadas: Busto 85 cm.
Cintura 78 cm.
Caderas 102 cm.

Por favor contactarse conmigo para orientarme al respecto.

Les agradece de antemano : Mercedes.
27 / 7 / 2013
I ordered this dress, hoping it would be as beautiful as the picture. My daughter is having a really big and fancy wedding, and I needed something that was quiet, beautiful but a bit
lavish. when the box arrived I was afraid to open it, for the box was small....but to my great surprise....the dress came unwrinkled and it is the most beautifully seamed dress I have ever seen. I put it on and it fit PERFECTLY I was so worried the whole time that the little jacket wasnt going to fit my arms, since they said they didnt need any measurements
for it, and it fit PERFECTLY. I cant wait to wear this dress everyone wants to know what
dress I am wearing, but I am keeping it secret to make the big debut! Thanks for a PERFECT dress.
I ordered this dress, hoping it would be as beautiful as the picture. My daughter is having a really big and fancy wedding, and I needed something that was quiet, beautiful but a bit
lavish. when the box arrived I was afraid to open it, for the box was small....but to my great surprise....the dress came unwrinkled and it is the most beautifully seamed dress I have ever seen. I put it on and it fit PERFECTLY I was so worried the whole time that the little jacket wasnt going to fit my arms, since they said they didnt need any measurements
for it, and it fit PERFECTLY. I cant wait to wear this dress everyone wants to know what
dress I am wearing, but I am keeping it secret to make the big debut! Thanks for a PERFECT dress.
9 / 4 / 2013